Monday, January 14, 2013



For some peculiar reason, I've recently been drawn towards the idea of watching documentaries. When I first started researching documentaries, I focused mainly on the History Channel documentaries, only because they're the only types I've watched before. However, after looking around at some of my favorite blogs, I've found some documentaries that I'm interested in and actually has nothing to do with history 
I haven't watched any of them yet, but as I go through them, I'll write my thoughts about the documentaries and share it with all you guys! So if you're interested in documentaries as well, please comment below about which ones you're interested in and ones that you've seen that aren't listed below. 

1. Born Rich (2003): This documentary is about how ten children of the richest people in the world grow up. Some of the children include Ivanka Trump, Josiah Hornblower, and Georgianna Bloomberg. I think this documentary will be really interesting to learn how their lifestyle is compared to my own and if they'll really be like the stereotypical rich person.

2. Girl Model (2011)This documentary is about a 13 year old girl from Siberia who is recruited to go to Japan to be a model and shows the harsh reality of the modeling industry. This documentary appeals to me because I've always been really interested in the fashion industry, more specifically, the business side of it. So here's the trailer of this specific documentary:

3. Happy (2011): This documentary is about how different people from different places define happiness. I myself define happiness as being with people that I love or traveling somewhere new and trying new things. I'm saving this documentary for a day that I feel really down on and hopefully it'll be able to cheer me up. 

4. Life in a Day (2011): The documentary that I am looking forward to the most is this one. It's a compilation of films made by different filmmakers from around the world created to be a sort of time capsule for future generations to see how was to live in 2011. Personally, that idea really appeals to me and I would love to have my children watch this when they're teenagers. 

Well, I hope you guys are interested in these documentaries and if you've seen any of these before or watch it now, please leave a comment below to tell me what you thought about them! Also, if you have any other documentaries that you liked, please comment and tell me them!
Have a wonderful week!

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